September 10th, 2013
In my previous blog I explained how to handle the mythical "join tables with extra columns" in Doctrine 2. It comes down to _not_ creating a many-to-many association, but a one-to-many/many-to-one. But in the real world we usually treat this process a bit differently: We draw up a contract in which we specify the information that's needed, including the person and company it relates to.
September 6th, 2013
A _join table_ table (also know as a _junction table_ or _cross-reference table_) is a table that links 2 (or more) other tables together within the same database by primary key. This means that a join table will only contain foreign keys, there is no place for these extra columns.
June 10th, 2013
We've kind of turned a corner at Future500, acknowledging that we have not been involved in the Open Source (PHP) community enough in the past few years. It's my fault - I am the owner after all - so I finally made a decision to make a field trip to the biggest and baddest conference PHP has to offer in the Netherlands: the Dutch PHP Conference 2013. Here's what went down...
April 11th, 2013
I think most of you will agree that Apple's Terminal looks and behaves horribly out of the box. So we need to adjust a few things... By following this guide I hope you'll enjoy the Terminal a bit more :)
April 10th, 2013
Quite some time ago I read this article entitled "Cowboy coding and the pink sombrero". It's about editing code on the production server and how that's obviously a bad thing™