August 17th, 2014
A few months ago, the news about WeCamp was released. At first, we knew only the name and speculated on the format. But when it became clear what it was going to be, in combination with who was behind the whole thing, there was no doubt in my mind that this was an event that we needed to be at!
July 27th, 2014
In order to simplify our deployment procedure, we wrote a role in Ansible (we where using Capistrano before). The role is reasonably complete now and we've begun using it for projects in production. But during the creation there was a bit of discussion on certain points, and I'd like to share some of the insights we've had with you.
June 28th, 2014
After a few months of waiting it was finally here: Dutch PHP Conference 2014. This conference was quite different than the year before. You see, besides visiting, this year Jasper and I intended to give a talk of our own at the uncon. And we did!
May 13th, 2014
Since we started using Vagrant boxes in our projects, we've also been experimenting with provisioning tools. However, this post is not about the best provisioning tool - I am no expert, we don't have hundreds of production servers to provision. Not even tens. But we do have a few, and so this post is about how write your Ansible scripts for use with Vagrant as well as production servers.
February 23rd, 2014
I've come across quite a few places where code is compared to art. Mainly it is because we (programmers) attribute aestetic properties to it. We find code "beautiful", "clean". Yet I think, while we might actualy see and experience this beauty, that does not make it art. Why not?