
How to use Ansible for Vagrant and production

May 13th, 2014

Since we started using Vagrant boxes in our projects, we've also been experimenting with provisioning tools. However, this post is not about the best provisioning tool - I am no expert, we don't have hundreds of production servers to provision. Not even tens. But we do have a few, and so this post is about how write your Ansible scripts for use with Vagrant as well as production servers.

Ramon de la Fuente

Move from Netbeans to Sublime and never look back

February 2nd, 2013

Quite a while ago, I wrote an article on how we left Eclipse behind. Back then I stated we'd NEVER go back to Eclipse, and that much is true.. but we did get annoyed with Netbeans, for more than one reason.

Ramon de la Fuente

Move from Eclipse to Netbeans and never look back

July 22nd, 2011

Jasper and I were so seriously annoyed by the spinning beach ball in Eclipse PDT that it was decided to try a switch in editors. I used my free Zend Studio licence to check it out, and he tried Netbeans 7.0. I'm not here to write about the comparison, for me Zend Studio was -not surprisingly, as it's based on Eclipse- even more beach ball prone and quickly tossed aside. (read on for some of my favorite improvements).

Ramon de la Fuente