September 28th, 2013
After a succesful trip to #DPC13 we've been a lot more active in the OS community. We've met so many great people since then, and we've even started our own little PHP user group! But that's a topic for a another post, this is about our first adventure as a conference sponsor...
June 10th, 2013
We've kind of turned a corner at Future500, acknowledging that we have not been involved in the Open Source (PHP) community enough in the past few years. It's my fault - I am the owner after all - so I finally made a decision to make a field trip to the biggest and baddest conference PHP has to offer in the Netherlands: the Dutch PHP Conference 2013. Here's what went down...
April 3rd, 2013
I've been building software for well over a decade now, and I'm absolutely guilty for breaking every rule below in the past.. but we've been adopting a more active approach to outlining our company beliefs, to live and breathe what we do every day. So here's our stance on password security:
March 9th, 2013
As thing are moving along in PHP versions, and as we start seeing more and more of php 5.5, I find it very useful to be able to switch between PHP versions. If you're on OSX, and using macports, switching is easy enough. There is a port called "php_select" that will help you choose the currently active php version.
July 19th, 2012
Lately I've been running into a problem on my local machine with phpMyAdmin, where it would just hang after selecting the database. Blank screen, spinning beach ball, insane CPU usage... you know the drill. Today I'd had enough, and looked a little deeper into the issue.